Alabama A&M University National Alumni Association, Inc. - P.O. Box 1717, Normal, AL 35762


The AAMU Alumni Chapter

AAMU National Alumni Association (Association) consists of 34 chapters located in various U.S. cities. Each chapter operates independently under the principles and guidelines of the National Association Constitution & By-Laws. Chapters are aligned by geographical regions under the oversight of Regional Vice Presidents who are elected to provide leadership, support and advice to Chapters. A Chapter President's forum exist (Council of Presidents) who meet regularly to discuss issues, share good practices and provide recommendations to the Association leadership.

Alumni Chapters have a vital role and serve as the connecting link between alums, National Alumni Association, the local community and the University. Chapters participate in a wide variety of activities that promote and enhance the Mission of the Association and AAMU. This include hosting AAMU Administrators, conducting periodic scholarship fundraiser events, assisting in student recruitment, performing community service projects, etc.

The Alumni Affairs Office is also available to assist chapters in their growth and development.

To obtain details on how to start a chapter:    Click Here ›

To view the full Alumni Chapter List & Contact Info:    Click Here ›



Alumni Chapters serve as the connecting link between alumni and the National Alumni Association (NAA). Chapters participate in a wide variety of activities that promote and build support for the NAA. These activities include hosting meetings, raising scholarship money and assisting in the recruitment of students to the University.

Our ultimate goal is to have strong effective chapters involved in membership development, student recruitment and the establishment of scholarships.

These activities are coordinated through the chapter development department within the National Alumni Association office on campus.

We are here to help you coordinate activities to serve the alumni, fans and friends in your area. The office of Alumni Welcome Center is located at 116 Chase Road, phone: 256-372-5014 are open year round M-F from 8 am-5 pm. We are committed to helping alumni start local chapters of the Alabama A&M Alumni Association, Inc.

 Contact the Office of Alumni Affairs to express your interest in starting a new alumni chapter. You will be provided with a list of alumni in your area, a chapter information sheet, and a draft of a chapter constitution and by-laws which you will customize.
 A minimum of five (5) members is needed to establish a chapter.
 Officers must be elected and information forwarded to the Office of Alumni Affairs (see Chapter Officers Sheet under Chapter Reporting Forms).
 A constitution must be written and forwarded to the Alabama A&M University Alumni Association for approval.
 Each member is required to pay $50.00 alumni dues to gain active status in the Alumni Association at the national level. Chapters are allowed to establish their own local dues requirements.
 A $50.00 chapter charter fee is required to be submitted with the group's application membership.
 Upon receipt of the names and addresses of members of the new chapter, payments of $50.00 alumni dues per member, and $50.00 chapter charter fee will be due. In addition to these payments, the chapter constitution and by-laws must be submitted. Upon approval, the Alumni Association will activate the chapter and issue the appropriate membership cards.
 Checks or money orders for alumni dues and a club charter are to be made payable to the AAMU Alumni Association, Inc., and mailed to the Office of Alumni Affairs, P.O. Box 1717, Normal, AL 35762.

In order to maintain a charter, the local alumni chapter must fulfill the following obligations:

1. Hold monthly meetings at which business is transacted.
2. Elections for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and other officer are held biennially.
3. Terms of office shall be concurrent with the terms of the Officers of the AAMU Alumni Association which run biennially from January to January.
4. All officers and chairpersons must be active members of the AAMU Alumni Association.