Alabama A&M University Alumni Association, Inc. - P.O. Box 1717, Normal, AL 35762




The Mission of Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University National Alumni Association Inc., is to garner and galvanize support for Alabama A&M University in ways that are compatible with the objectives of the University. Our intent is to ensure that Alabama A&M University remains a center of substance and excellence.

National alumni association - PRESIDENT


Michael Miller '84, President
Alabama A&M University Alumni Association, Incorporated

Greetings Alumni and Friends!!

I'm extremely humbled to serve as our Alabama A&M National Alumni Association President. We stand on the shoulders of our immediate past Alumni Association Administration, and all the prior administrations that built and sustained the association since its inception.

We are looking forward to working with our university's leadership, Dr. Daniel K. Wims, and his cabinet leaders as we partner with the university to increase alumni participation in supporting and enhancing student life and their Bulldog experience. We want to be a strategic partner with the university, leveraging our strengths to do business jointly where it makes sense.

Our vision is going to take all of us to execute. At its core is increasing our alumni membership and engagement. We all have alumni friends that we need to reclaim. I challenge each of you to start your personal membership drive today. Be bold and deliberate about it! You ask, and they will come. People follow people! Lead the way.

We have some new and exciting opportunities and challenges ahead of us that depend on increasing our alumni membership, alumni engagement, and alumni financial support for the university and the Alumni Association. Let’s all work together to carry the load.

You elected a great leadership team. We are committed, united, and will work well together to build a solid foundation and framework for our future. We are all Alabama A&M alumni who believe “Service is Sovereignty.” If you are asked to serve or have some areas you desire to work in, please let us know and accept the charge.

We are excited about the future and are ready to hit the ground running. We solicit your support, patience, and prayers as we plan our activities, build and manage our budgets and schedules, and execute the programs planned for the university, our students, and you, our fellow alumni.

We hope you will allow yourselves to dream big with us, be dedicated to being the best alumni possible, be loyal to the university, the association, and chapters, be committed to increasing our alumni base across all generations, increasing alumni giving, and increasing our support for the university and students, and be supportive as we work “to advance the growth and development of Alabama A&M University and students.” That's our purpose. That’s the cornerstone of our vision. Go Bulldogs!!!

Thank You, Michael Miller, President Alabama A&M University Alumni Association, Inc.

President's Message PDF Copy...

National Alumni Association - Board Officers

Alabama A & M University
Alumni Association
2020-2021 - Board Officers

For a larger image of our Executive Board Click Here